Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! I am very blessed to have such a wonderful father! Even though he is in San Antonio with the rest of the family, I hope that he has a great day! Thank you for always being so hard working and supporting us! You are the best, and we love you very much!

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful father-in-law. I could not have asked for a better one! You are just great! Ken is so blessed to have a father like you! I am so glad that you showed him how to be so handy. I really appreciate all that you have done for us! I look forward to many good years with you and hopefully grandchildren!

I could not leave out our grandfathers! My Big Daddy and Ken's Pawpaw, we are so blessed!

Sorry, but I don't have your Father's Day card. I left it at home, but you can celebrate Father's Day again when you get it!

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