Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Sarah!

My friend Sarah is celebrating her birthday today!

I just love Sarah! We have been besties since collage. She has a love for beautiful things. I think it is because she has pretty blue eyes that she has passed on to her pretty eyed boys. She also has pretty hands. People have often admired her beautiful fingers! There are other qualities that I have seen people almost snap their heads to see, but I won't talk about those. Lets just say our trips to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night where always interesting, and we normally walked away laughing!

Sarah is wonderful at photography. I love looking at her pictures that she has taken of her family. Such a pretty family! Sarah is also very generous! She shares her ideas, recipes, and love with others very easily. The only thing I can remember that she didn't share was pizza. If you were ordering with her, you better get your own! I love that about her! She is also very funny! I can't tell you how many nights we would stay up eating, talking, and laughing! She enjoys a good scary movie. Sarah, "Have you checked the children?" Most of all Sarah is just sweet and thoughtful. She always has a kind word to go with her smile!

Sarah, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I love you very much, and my life is richly blessed with you as a friend! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I just laughed my butt off! Now what are people going to turn their heads about? You are too sweet! Thanks for my birthday post. MWAH!


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