Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekend Highlights

I have missed blogging about our live-for-the-weekends weekends. 

So I will try to do better, but I will not pinky promise. 

In honor of this feat this week, I will post this.

However, we are actually 14 weeks, a day late, and dollar short.

(Sorry ya'll. I couldn't resist posting this picture of the sweet daddy, too!)

My babies' daddy is dying to take the weekly pictures of my growing belly, however there is a small window of opportunity where I come home looking somewhat decent and the 0 to 5 seconds it takes me to put on yoga pants.

So, my friends, this may or may not be the one cute picture of me without yoga pants on.

Reality at our house.


Friday night, I worked late due to being the only counselor for over 700 students and in charge of administering a state assessment next week.

Good thing I had my medicine keeping me going.

It wasn't working properly on Thursday, and this counselor started hyperventilating because she needs something for her sanity. Thankfully, my shuffle started back up on Thursday afternoon and kept the mojo going for the rest of the week. Huge sign of relief. 

So I dragged myself home late Friday afternoon to find this ...


How lovely to come home to!

Also, this arrived in the mail ...

and I was so excited to think that a good night's sleep was ahead of me. Little did I know that I would not be looking like this pillow model ...

We did what we do on most Friday nights -

Climb into bed and watch Dateline, only on this Friday night, we both fell asleep before we figured out if the husband did it or not. 


I was also trying to get use to the pillow, but wound up grabbing my other pillow and propping myself against my babies' daddy's back. 

Apparently, I did it 6 times without realizing it. 

The boy was counting. 

I wondered why he was so eager to jump up in the middle of the night to stop the shower from leaking. 

He was just trying to breathe from being smothered by a pregnant woman.

Saturday, we worked in the yard, fixed the shower leak, put up the new window boxes built by the lovely husband of the group, went to a two-year-old's birthday, and had a date night starting at Babies-R-Us.

We have to check all this paraphernalia out due to being clueless.

So after a little confusion and education, we snuck some candy in to watch the thrilling true story of Captain Phillips.

Great, gripping movie.

Even after the late night, we managed to go to early service at church, run errands, and nap on Sunday.

So here's to a Monday where I will begin my count down until the weekend.

A Girl's Weekend that is, down in Pike Road, Alabama.



  1. Aren't yoga pants the best thing ever right now... I live in them during the day! But the maternity jeans are pretty comfy too if you have to go out in public. Ha! Love the pictures of y'all... and Happy 14 weeks! We hit 18 weeks yesterday! So happy we are so close together with our babies!!

  2. Sounds wonderful! Let me know how you like the pillow, I've always wanted to try one. Also I've tried all kinds of baby items when you start looking in to stuff.


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