Friday, October 18, 2013

Dreaming of a Piece of Land

Like I mentioned in this post, God has extremely blessed us in more ways that we could ever imagine.

We greatly appreciate our family and friends rallying around us in the good and the bad, and leaping for joy when our dreams came true. 

Talk about a heart wanting to explode! 

Picture it. July 2013. We are preparing for our IVF and really going through the motions this time.

To distract us from the stress of a second IVF, God blessed us with numerous open doors. 

One being a text from a dear family friend. 

It read:

What if I told you we found our perfect piece of land?

My response:

Really? Where? Why does this always happen when we are in Mississippi?

We had been looking at land together on and off for a year. We either both didn't like the land or if would require a lot of work, one being having to build a bridge. I was so willing to build a cute, covered bridge, but it just didn't work out.

So to receive this text, we were intrigued. 

In fact, after much discussion, the land in questions was actually the first piece of land we looked at before we started looking with our friends. 

How ironic is that?

As of Wednesday, we are the proud owners of 12.85 acres of land in God's country. 

Its in the community that I work in, surrounded by our only family in Alabama, and has the best, small elementary school. 

The land itself is farming fields surrounded by woods.

I can't wait for our children to have a childhood where they can romp in the woods with wild imagination.

I can't wait to grow a garden, have a mini orchard, and be a little self sufficient.

Ken is excited about having a shop, a tractor, and a place to do manly things.  

If you have been following us on Instagram, you have actually been seeing glimpses of this wonderful place all summer. 

If not, here you go! 

From the backside of the land...

Where our house will go one day.

Not too soon. We plan on staying in our house for a little bit longer to give us time to pay off the land and decide exactly what we want.

How beautiful is this survey marker? :)

Where our mini orchard will go!

The beauty that surrounds us! 

Tootsie, ya'll, she loves this land! As soon as we turn on the farm drive, she is crying and whining, wanting to get out. 

We are so excited about this new adventure!



  1. Oh man... and I think Tootsie is going to be the one who loves it the most right now!!! Congrats!!!

  2. Oh my I can't believe I missed this. So happy for yall! Are you close to me? I hope so. I am just so happy for you, Ken and your growing family. HUGS!


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