Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Highligts and Celebrating the 30th ....

Friday, I got some really good news that I will share in a later post (no we are not pregnant). It is really exciting to me though! To celebrate this success, I went by the Sonic to get a SuperSonic Breakfast Burrito and the flavors made my taste buds super happy. Of course I washed it down with a diet vanilla coke!

I then proceeded to pick 2 gallons of blackberries, put up some, and shared some with friends and neighbors. I believe that sharing is the best part of friendships, especially if this sharing involves food. When my neighbor got her blackberries, she shared some squash. Happiness all around.

I also went to a farm and got some fresh peaches and fresh peaches and cream sweet corn.

So grilled chicken, grilled sweet corn, and fried squash was what's for dinner on Friday.

Saturday, I made blueberry muffins with blueberries from my parents' bushes ...

while watching a few minutes of Mister Roger's Neighborhood. Why you ask? We done cut off the satellite and got us an antenna with about 10 channels. One that has reruns of Mister Roger's Neighborhood. We are not crazy yet, just wanting to see if we can be creative with our budget. You know what? We like it. That and we do have the fabulous Netflix. I am currently on Season 5 of Desperate Housewives!

The rest of the day was spent shooting a little on the range, some antiquing, and visiting places we have never seen in Huntsville along with eating at the Blue Plate!

I came home and made these chocolate peanut butter cupcakes  ...

Peanut Butter Centers, Oh my!

and sang a little "Happy Birthday a Day Early" song for the hubs

while opening his one of his presents - a super soaker - while I questioned myself.

I would have pictures, but someone had been outside mowing the grass, and well, was a little hot. We have class so pictures on this blog will come with people fully dressed (and not paritially) unless we are slip-n-sliding.

He also received several cards, facebook messages, texts, birthday money, and a little accessory for one of his favorite toys. I had also been making favorite dishes through out the week for him.

Hamburger Steak with Crispy Onion Straws, Fried Okra from the garden, and Grilled Corn

Blueberry Cobbler

More Crispy Onion Straws from PW!

The birthday boy celebrated his birthday with a lunch dinner down at the Carrabba's and spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the rain and watching movies.

What a fun and relaxing way to ring in another decade!

Happy Birthday Darling!

 We so need to go to the gym this week, after all that celebratory eatin' we did!


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