The name of our cabin was Bear Foot Ridge. It was so wonderful and comfortable. I loved that we had a balcony off our master suite as well as a jacuzzi tub and a hot tub down below. My favorite place was sitting on the back porch, rocking, and talking with Ken and Brook. As we were rocking, we decided that we needed a back porch instead of a deck, so we shall see! If you are planning a vacation, I highly recommend this company. The kitchen was fully equipped and they had a natural gas grill, great for cooking hamburgers.
We also went to Blue Ridge, Georgia. What a quaint town it was!
So, what could I do in order to rent this building?
We did Miniature Golf here at the Lily Pad Village. If you like to hike and play putt putt, then this is the place for you. It was great! I even got a hole in one! Brook came in first (of course! I truly believe that if she doesn't win, its a bad day for her.), Ken came in second, and I rounded it out in third with the great score of 37. I know they were jealous.
We visited the Ocoee Visitors Center.
We visited an orchard. Oh my! Yummy fried apple pies! The orchard itself was gorgeous!
We also went tubing down the Toccoa River. It was such a wonderful 1 1/2 hour trip down the lazy river that was cold as ice. It was a very diverse river. We were waited on by a German lady, driven to the put in point by a man that I think played in Waterboy, floated down the river with an Asian family as well as about 11 men that grew up in Nicaragua and meet each year to go down the Ocoee. It was also wonderful when Brook spotted a snake and freaked out a poor lady who decided it would be better to leave her tube and try to walk down the river. Problem was she was just standing in place. Frozen in time. Brook gave her raft to the poor scared woman, and rode down with her friend that came and stayed with us the night before. Good times. Thank you, Lord, for not allowing me to see the snake. Yet again, I was spared.
Every thing was just wonderful on this trip. We ate, slept, visited the area, played miniature golf while hiking up a mountain, ate, slept, enjoyed the hot tub, fought rapids on the Ocoee, darted snakes on the Toccoa, and of course ate, and slept. Isn't that how you should enjoy your vacation?

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