Monday, February 3, 2014

Gender Reveal Party

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you already know what the genders of our sweet babies are.

Since we had our gender reveal during Thanksgiving, I thought February would be the most appropriate time to blog about it. 

What you don't know are the details of the gender reveal party. 

Middle sister insisted that we have a party to reveal the genders, but this mama-to-be was not feeling very creative.

Then Middle found the theme, "Waddle They Be," based on our mother's most favorite beloved children's book, Make Way for Ducklings.

Once the theme was established, the long drive back from Nashville quickly became a stir of creative energy and planning. 

By the time, I pulled in my driveway, the details of the party were all worked out. 

By the time Middle left my house that weekend, half of the decor was already completed.

Sisters are a good thing. 

Although the initial reveal did not work out due to stubborn children, that left us with another month to get everything just right. 

We could not have planned a better night to celebrate with our family and friends than Thanksgiving Eve. 

We had over 40 people there, mostly dressed in white signifying their vote of boy and girl. 

We invited our guest to participate in a maze of activities. 

"Which Quack Will They Favor?"

"Waddle They Be?"

"Make Way for Daniels' Babies"

I had practiced a small speech all day based on our year on mountains and valleys and the gratitude that we have for each moment leading up this year. 

I did not cry in any of my practice speeches, but I sure did that night. 

Not an ugly cry, but a better-hurry-up-and-finish-before-the-ugly-cry-comes type of cries.

Since Ken and I knew what we were having, we allowed the grandparent reveal by giving each set a scroll with a baby's name on it.

We are having a boy and a girl!!!!

Wesley James and Selah (pronounced Sayla) Greer

What a joyous occasion!

What a great spread of delicious, scrumptious food! 

A good time was had by all! 



  1. So so sweet! Beautiful celebration & I love the names. You look beautiful as well, congrats!!

  2. wow congratulations! a boy and a girl - what fun! You are glowing! And what beautiful names you picked out!


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