Friday, June 14, 2013

What all Southern Women Should Do ...

is grow tomatoes and wear floppy hats ...

Having a garden is great fun. 

I check on it every day and clap out loud when I find something new. 

I think it makes the neighbors whisper about me. 

So here is our 2013 garden that I had to replant a few things after the monsoon we got in April. 

We have three raised beds that we rotate each year. Also, each year, I try to plant something new to see how well we do. This year it is beans, peas, herbs, and peppers. 

Lima Beans and Squash. Do you need squash plants, because I have some. Lots. Which means, in the next month or so, we will have squash running out our ears. 

Roma and Better Boy tomatoes with my mawmaw version of keeping the blasted birds out! 

English peas, black-eyed peas, and okra

Basil and Rosemary - bring on the basil! 

Romaine lettuce. Yum! 

Jalepeno's and sweet banana peppers

Top row: Bell pepper and onions
Middle row: Flowers
Bottom row: pepper plants

And just because I can't get enough of my plants, here are some selfies. 

English Peas

Black eyed peas

Lima Beans



Better Boys

The pans do work. :)



Although this looks like massive amounts, really this is all that is on this particular bush. 
Late frost stinks, especially when you cover everything but your blueberry bushes.

There's the tour. It is going to get crazy here in a few weeks! 

Who needs squash?


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