Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bliss ...

Today we are celebrating 4 years of wedded bliss 

We started last night as I was working on signs and suddenly remembered that I had not written in my card. 

So I look over at my sweet groom and asked, 

"Have you gotten a card yet?"

He replied, "Card?"

And this is why God created women. To assist the man in all aspects of life. 

 "You know, our anniversary tomorrow."

"Have you gotten a card?" he asked with bewildered eyes.

"I do, but you will not get it in the morning. I haven't written in it yet."

and then he sets an alarm on his phone. 

Because that is where we are in this season of life. Barely remembering the traditional moments, but living in the real life moments. 

I would not have it any other way. 

I sent him a text last week that I really wanted to wait to write in our card, but sent it anyway because life is short and you might as well say what you want to say.

It read:

You brighten my life. 
You lift my spirits. 
You hold me when I need it. 
You support my dreams and you dream with me. 
You make me laugh. 
You cook awesome pancakes. 
You are my best friend, my sweetheart, my husband. 
I adore you and feel the same adoration from you. 
I am so glad we are on this journey of life together! 

Hallmark worthy, there. 

And, yes, I did rewrite in Ken's card, and I would not be surprised if it was written in mine. 

Happy Anniversary, Ken! May we be blessed with many, many more! 



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