Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Highlights

This weekend was fast paced and restful all at the same time. 

Friday, I finally got home from school around 6:00 and spent the rest of the night on the couch devouring this 

 I loved Joy's description of what it is like to get Southern Living in the mail.  

The cover makes me want to host a brunch once I plant my cutting garden while wearing my pearls. 

Saturday morning, I woke up and realized I need a little time by myself. Some times you just do or someone might get cut, so I went to our little local coffee house and ordered a delicious white chocolate mocha.

Which led me to our local thrift store, where I found this to hold our collection of quarters we received from Ken's Mawmaw one Christmas. 

It so brought out my inner dorkness.

I also went to our local nursery due to needing to satisfy my I-need-to-plant-something cravings. 

After taking 30 minutes talking, looking, and touching seeds, I brought home some broccoli and spinach to thrive in there new location on my patio. 

I will go back for a variety of lettuces next week. 

Saturday night, I did my duty at our school pageant by being the Hospitality Room Host. What better job to have! Only, there was no tally person, the flowers needed to be finished putting together, and the poor judges finally had to take care of themselves. 

On top of all that, our past queen did not show up to crown.

Being an old pageant queen myself, I was selected 5 minutes before announcing the winners to pass out flowers and crown the winners. 

Good thing I added a layer of makeup. 

I then devoured some sandwiches, chicken strips, and chocolate in no time flat. 

Just like an ol' pageant queen. :)

Sunday, we went to Lowe's to check out some reality to some dreaming we have been doing. We also purchased a drill bit to hang my signs on the patio. 

We are some movers and shakers, we are. As long as we have a nap. 

Well, here is to a busy week of decorating for a wedding shower at school and taking my students on a field trip Friday. I just pray we all come back in one piece, mostly me. 

I hope you have a fantastic week! 


  1. I told Terry this month's Southern Living made me actually rethink disliking the color pink with all those beautiful flowers on the cover, and throughout the mag! We went shopping for patio furniture today... mainly because we love it outside so much, and I want to sit outside and eat now that it's getting darker later, and so beautiful out! But I'm needing some flowers to decorate the patio, too. May need to start looking for some planters, too. In my spare time, right?! Ha! I love that you can do it all Haven. Has anyone ever called you Superwoman? Cause you are! I'm sure you were rocking those queen duties! Terry's aunt has asked us when we are coming up to Huntsville for a visit... I'm thinking soon. And I'll let you know when so we can maybe plan a double date?! Love you!! And your spirit!!!

    1. Ha! You are so funny! I wish I could be Superwoman at times, however, I enjoy spending time on my couch. :)

      Patio furniture shopping sounds like fun. I am doing the same here, and home to find or make a table to eat outdoors as well. Can't wait to see what you pick out!

      We would love to visit with you when you come to Huntsville! Just let us know.

      Have a good week! Love ya!


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