Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Little Bit of Fall is in the Air ...

Happy Halloween! 

May you be careful, eat lots of candies, avoid cavities, and be prepared to face goblins and ghosts! 

If you come by our house, we are pretending no one is home. :)

I will take happies to the neighbor kids and then turn our lights off and devour the rest of the candy that we saved for ourselves. 

I heard that if you eat candy in the dark, there are no calories. 

I thought we will at least try it out and let you know.

Any hoos ...

Back in September, I told Ken that I was not decorating for fall. It was in a fit of exhaustion, and I was determined. 

Then October happened, the air turned cool and crisp, and I had energy. 

I am also woman, and I can change my mind anytime I want. 

So here it goes ...

I love that my fall decor is simple with a flair of whimsical. I love the blue with the orange, that I used everything that I already had, and that I made it fit in with my current decor.  

Now all I need to do is put some soup in that tureen and a sweet pie in that pie plate. 

Who is ready to come over?



  1. Ahhh, nice relaxing Halloween plans! I love that white glass front piece in your dining room; it can come and live at my house if you're ever tired of it;)

  2. We are doing the same thing, Haven. We figure this is our last year to take it easy so we are going to do just that. Plus, Terry has eaten just about all the good candy that we had bought. We will go home early and head to the man cave to watch some tv and relax before bed. We've heard our neighborhood can get a little crazy with hundreds of little ghosts and gobblins... so I'm not too upset to be missing it this year. Of course with bedtimes at 7 and 8... I don't imagine I'll be missing too much! =) Happy Halloween and you always have the best Fall decor!


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