Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Junkin ... Some Free Art for my Play House

I am a junk girl at heart, and one particular weekend, I proceeded to bring out my inner junk goddess. 

It involved some spray paint ...

 and jar lids and bottle tops collected over the past 3 years. 

(Ken doesn't even blink, now. He just leaves his bottle tops for my crazy projects.)

I played with a little design ..

 lined them up ...

and gave them a good spraying ...

I then hot glued it to a pallet board and added some extra mirrors that I had. 

Now, it hangs proudly over my potting bench

I am linking up with

Catch a Glimpse Button



  1. I was wondering how you did that!!! Awesome!!! So copying this!

  2. This is so GREAT!!! I will never throw another lid away. :)


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