Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yellowstone Adventures - Animals and Tall Tales

Papa Hale entertained us the first morning as we winded down the mountain by explaining in an animated fashion his reactions when encountering wildlife. This included smacking a bison between the eyes and take off running as well as sacrificing his eldest daughter if he encountered a grizzly. 

Well he got his opportunity when we got stuck between a grizzly 


and a bison on the boardwalk behind Old Faithful. 

If you know my daddy, you know that he is a master at aggravation which leads me to constantly remind him that I will be picking his nursing home.

He thought it would be fun to whistle to get their attention. Um, no thank you!

At this point, all I wanted was some bear spray and Mama was trying to figure out how we could fit through a 6 inch space under the boardwalk. The rest of the knuckleheads wanted action and walked toward the bear. 

Suddenly the bear spots some geese in the creek, and begins running towards them. Middle is snapping away waiting for the scene to unfold. 

One goose threw up his wings and asked the bear, "You want some of this?"

The bear responded, "Whoa, who knew you could do that?" 

The bear backed off, crossed the creek, went over the boardwalk, and back into the woods long enough for us to get by. 

Luckily, I was not sacrificed, and had the opportunity to clean out my pants. 

We saw several other animals. You always knew if there were animals in the area, because people were gathered in the masses. 

Mama Bears and cubs 

I do believe there was (3) of them. 

When we saw elk, I just happened to be in the front seat by my daddy. Who, rolled down my window, and began his lovely whistle. I may or may not wound up in the drivers seat. I mean what do you think was on this elk's mind? I could have lost an ear. 

I may not put my daddy in a nursing home. I may just put him in my house and drive him around with the window rolled down especially when we see animals. I am also going to whistle my heart out. 

Bison near Old Faithful Inn. 

You had to watch out for the scat! 

Friendly ground squirrels that loved Baby Sister and wanted to climb up my gray boots. Freak out! 

Lots and lots of bison. They would cross the road so that you could literally reach out and touch them. Daddy had the opportunity, but never took it to smack them between the eyes. They say that bison can run faster than a human. A fact I never wanted to challenge. 

The sweet bison calves where out and always near there mamas. If you look hard in the picture above, you can see them napping right next to their mothers. It was too sweet! Middle sister was infatuated with the baby bisons. 

We saw a Moose, but never saw Sarah Palin. 

Osprey were all over the river. 

along with their nests that ways 1,200 pounds! 

Bald eagles. These were mates. 

Pelicans. I was obsessed, and will not tell you how many pictures I took of these beauties. 

And antelope. 

We also saw mule dear, a coyote, and black bears. 

It was so much fun. I mean, we have seen animals at the zoo, but there is something about getting out of your car and so getting up close and personal with no barrier between you. Although, with me, I always made sure I had an escape route. :)


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