Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jamming ...

I have been wanting to make strawberry jam for a while now, and I must have been talking about it too much. 

Last Tuesday, my sweet, thoughtful, darling husband brought home 10 pounds of strawberries.

Before I got home, he had already eaten 1 pound ...

and then proceeded to help me make 19 jars of strawberry jam. 

We washed, and washed, and washed - strawberries, jars, lids, pots, pans, the dog. You name it and if it was standing still, we washed it. 


We used the jam recipe in the Sure-Jell to create our wonderful masterpieces. 

and I finally got to use my canner that Middle Sister gave me for my birthday. 

It truly was easy. Believe me. 

Having someone to help you, was even better.  

Hearing the "pops" of the lids made me giggle, because our little science experiment truly did work! 

The taste is wonderfully fresh and sweet. I could eat my weight in biscuits and jam right now. 

I also love the beautiful colors ...

but the best part about it ...

is sharing it with friends. 



  1. It looks yummy! :) Wish we still lived around the corner...your door bell would be ringing right about now!

  2. Strawberry jam is my favorite!! And it is a sweet sound when you hear them popping. Canning in the summer at mom and dad's is always a family collaboration. =)

  3. This is something I've never done but have always wanted to. Looks so good!


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