Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend Highlights

I hope you had a great weekend! Ours was a moody, beautiful one! The moody would be me, but I suspect that chocolate could be in my future very soon! Despite this, it was a very fulfilling weekend, and we made the best of it!

Friday was eating at Red Robin ... Yum and watching Ken and his brother try on shoes at Dick's. It was hysterical. That is really all I can say about that.

Saturday was spent, waking up with a need to pick the garden, cook bacon, eggs, and biscuits for breakfast, putting up a quart of tomatoes, and two quarts of okra.

 This was all before 9:30 and after two cups of coffee.

We then went to the Harrison Brother's Hardware, Architectural Sale where I got this ...

I happily paid $30 for it, and the way I see it, the crate pays off for all those times on vacation when I could never find a personalized key chain. This is a lot better than a key chain.

I also went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore for a project piece. I did not find it, but found out later that Lea Ann had exactly what I needed and was going to throw it out. Luckily, I saved it. That's me, trash to treasure saver.

Up next was the Farmer's Market where I picked up some of these beautiful babies.

I can't pretend that these came from my garden. What did come from my squash plants where lovely worms that really made me mad. Really. So the Farmer's Market it is!

I put 5 quarts of squash later that night ...

after I made a "creative mess."

I like to call it a creative mess, because I make a huge mess cooking up a storm but I also had a huge, huge smile on my face with the end result. I have also been teaching the scientific method at school, can you tell?

This would be the end result ...

Cornbread Bacon Tomato Sandwiches

with a dish of fried okra and yellow squash.

I like to call it a Southern Saturday Night meal or even a Creative Vegetable Night meal. Whatever it was called, it was really good. I will give you a recipe later on.

And in between the Farmer's Market and the "Creative Mess," we went and worked on our Bass Tracker Tans. It was bliss on the river.

Tootsie was beside herself for the first hour and chose to do her own thing, totaling ignoring any commands from her masters'. At one point in the middle of the river, Ken threw an ice cube off the boat, and I heard this big splash to look up only to see Tootsie in the water. Crazy girl!
Anyhoo, this would also be the trip where I was catching up on my Southern Livings and cried like a baby only to turn around and laugh like a hyena to Rick Bragg's article about the April 27 tornadoes. The man makes words dance across the stage to a beautiful beat.  

Also on this boat trip, Ken was continuing his task of teaching me about the boat. Although I have my vessel licenses, driving the boat makes me want to put on a dunce hat. I over steer, freak out if I see a boat, and make the motor make strange noises. I am thankful that Ken just takes it in strides and wants to teach me. He has tested me which lines are what (gas, oil, steering, etc), and today made me load the boat out of the water. It took two tries. I hit the boat launch the first time, and the second time perfection.

Sunday was spent how every Sunday should be spent - Church, nap, dinner, reading the paper, and being lazy.

Sunday Dinner was awesome. I will share my secrets later, but here is a glimpse...

So my Saturday didn't sound that moody at all did it?
So here's to you and your wonderful week ahead!



  1. "happily paid $30 for it, and the way I see it, the crate pays off for all those times on vacation when I could never find a personalized key chain. This is a lot better than a key chain" HA HA!! Love it!

    Your Sunday dinner looked soooooooo delicious!!

    Have a great week, Haven!

  2. LOVE the crate! I seem to never have a problem finding stuff with my name on it. LOL I was reading the same Southern Living you were last night... with the delicious pie on the cover. The dinners look delicious! I LOVE LOVE fried orka, Terry however is not a fan. And he loves squash and I hate it. So — there you go, none of those veggies come in our home! lol

  3. Dearest Haven-a,

    This reader and friend must know (NOW) :) how you cooked the okra in the Sunday meal. My sweet MIL sent me some and I know it's not fried. You've got my curiosity totally peaked!

  4. I love this post! You are too funny! Don't you just love Rick Bragg. I MUST read the article. Is it in the August issue? He is great!! He didn't win a pulitzer prize for his good looks! The man has mad writing skills. He is a freaking awesome speaker too!


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