Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I love being an educator because of June and July! Just kidding! I like it for several more reasons, however, I do love the summer break! It gives me more time to work on projects.

Recently, we decided to repaint and stain a table that Ken's mother bought and painted him for
Christmas one year. We had her blessing.

I have never really tackled anything quite like this before. I have painted furniture but never stained anything. This led me to get a sander for Father's Day!

I sanded it down to the bare wood, and then Ken stained it a dark walnut. Using what we had, I primed it with a water base and painted it with an oil based paint. From what I learned, oil based paint must be from the devil. If I ever use it again, I will definitely be researching a little more. We also put on some polyurethane over the dark stain for added protection.

 I really like it!

I also really like that I pulled most of these accessories from our house.

The owl was is a penny bank that my godmother gave me when I was born. The books I have collected over the years, and the geometry book was one that we used at school that my mother pulled out of the trash for me. I made the company rules sign last year along with the burlap covered pot that is sitting on top of a covered cake pan that was my aunt's.

The only thing that I purchased was the mirror from the thrift store for $10.

I used it, abused it, and did everything that I could think of to make it look like this.

I love to stop and stare my first project of summer! I had planned on working on our kitchen, but since putting this in the breakfast room, I think that will be the room I will be working on for right now.

Have you ever been in love with a project you created?

I am linking up with

Beyond The Picket Fence



  1. That table looks soooooooo good!!!! I am really loving the two-toned furniture.

  2. OH my goodness. I do want to do this. Erin Norman posted a "how to" on a table that she recently did and she basically spray painted the thing and then sanded it to make it have the "used and abused" look. I SO want to do this with an old chest of drawers that Zach has had forever. AWESOME!! It looks SO good! I am jealous of your creativity!!

  3. What a difference a little paint (and hard work) will do. Love it!

  4. Good job girl!! I've gotta check out your post on the company rules sign, guess I missed it!

  5. You did a good job, it looks great. MIL approves.

  6. You did a great job on the table. Looks really good! Also, love the mirror. Great deal for only $10.00! Lesa

  7. I love it white. Great job on the whole vingette. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great job!!! I love the color of the table, and I love the subway art!! Everything looks perfectly placed!! :)

  9. Gorgeous! You did a great job. I always love the cream'ified base with the walnut top.


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