Thursday, June 9, 2011

Out With the Old ... In With the New

We will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary at the end of the month, so that also means that in the past 2 years, we have been changing our 38 year old house into a home.

So can you guess how old our oven is? Yep that is right, it was one of those things original to the house without the character. It is also only 24 inches wide. Imagine my surprise the first time I realized this.

Well, the Habitat ReStore happens to be one of my favorite stores to browse. The first time we saw this beautiful convection oven it was only half off, but this time the 75% off caught my eye.

I could not dial Ken fast enough!

Like I said before our home is 38 years old, and we always go on a scavenger hunt when we replace things. Good thing it is always the last place we look.

It only took two tries to realize the power source was behind the drawers.

Please notice that one drawer is empty. That makes my husband proud, and makes me feel free! It is also useful for last minute cleaning before company comes!

I love my new convection oven! It not only cooks faster, it cooks more even, and I needed it because I did not want to clean my old one! Ha!

So what did we do with the old oven, you ask? Well we put it to the curb with its own personal ad:

Free Oven:
38 years old
Still works
24 inches wide
Take 5 minutes off cooking
Oven was going through a mid life crisis, and a new oven was needed!

I kid you not, someone picked up the oven in about 1 1/2 hours later. Curb stalker. Takes one to know one.

Can't wait to share all those recipes I have been saving!

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