Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Weddings, Three Showers, and a Baby - Weekend Highlights

Well, I have finally finished with all my social gatherings, and I am currently cuddling with this little fellow:

Sawyer James

Baby that we celebrated at this shower!

Alyssa keeps talking about how boring they must be just sitting around watching this sweet baby boy, but she has know idea how blissful this is for me! I love loving on this boy and pretending to not study for this lovely test in two weeks.

This weekend was filled with a beautiful wedding rehearsal, gorgeous wedding, happy bride and groom and wedding party, lots of food, midnight Sonic runs and thrifting off the side of the road, and seeing my father drive a tractor down the road why belting "Old Black Betty" to the top of his lungs as he passes you walking. Never dull here, folks. Never dull.

I can't wait to share some sneak peaks this week of all the past events with you! I am able to do this due to sitting at Alyssa's boring blissful house snuggling on this precious baby!

1 comment:

  1. He is precious!! Love the name. AND — it's great to see a post from you! You've been missed!!!


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