Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Philadelphia Cooking Sauces

Last week, I was shopping and saw there their was an coupon for $1.50 off the new Philadelphia Cooking Sauces, so I decided to try one!

It comes in 10 oz compared to the normal block of cream cheese that is 8 oz, however for this recipe I just used about 8 oz by eyeballing what 8 oz looked like.

Ingredients :

4 chicken breast
1 can of cream of chicken
8 oz of Philadelphia Cooking Creme Santa Fe Blend

I put the three ingredients in the crock pot (with the chicken first) on low for about 5-6 hours. Next, I shredded the chicken and let it stay on warm while I boiled some rice.

I poured the chicken mixture over some rice for a super yummy dinner.

I did not even look at the fat grams, but enjoyed eat bite so much I forgot to take pictures.

Trust me, it was great. There are several other varieties that would work great in this recipe so try which tastes your fancy.

These are my own ideas. Philadelphia did not contact me to write this, although I would not mind.

Have you ever tried this?


  1. I haven't seen those but,of course anything by those folks are incredible! Thansk for sharing your new discovery!

  2. Yum, I wonder how many different sauces they have? Was in the grocery store yesterday, now I have a reason to go back.

  3. I did some chicken in the skillet with evoo and fresh mushrooms, then added steamed broc, angel hair, & the cooking creme. We've made it twice!

  4. Just checking on ya. Hope y'all survived all the severe weather yesterday!!


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