Monday, April 18, 2011

In the Past Week ...

This past week has been very busy, and I can't wait to share it with you all!

Let's just say we've been fishese of the sea, birds in the air, shower giving, Delta homecoming type of girl who is very anxious to be home awhile on the closest to normal-not-so-normal schedule that she has.

Oh by the way, did you know there is only 4 soap operas left on daytime TV? I think it is because of all the "stories" that people are following on BLOGS! Ha!

Stay Tuned ...

1 comment:

  1. I read where All My Children and One Life to Live are no longer?!?! I just wonder what in the world they are going to replace them with. I'm kinda sad because I would watch them with my grandmother growing up during the summer and still catch an episode every once in awhile when I have time to go home for lunch.

    Glad y'all had a wonderful weekend. The busier the weekends — the more you appreciate the "normal." I, like you, am just waiting for that "normal" to come again. Have a "restful" week!


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