Friday, February 18, 2011

Good Reads: Magazine Edition

Checking the mail is one of my favorite things to do, especially when I am looking for one of these:

In college, I got a subscription just so I would have something fun in my mailbox! BHG is always full of inspiration for me! I also love their website and newsletters!

Just got my first magazine in last night, and was so excited that Rick Bragg is now a Contributing Editor to Southern Living. He is writing the Southern Journal on the very back page of SL! I love, love, love Rick Bragg! Maybe that is why I did not mind moving to Alabama! His writing of his people in Alabama is truly breathtaking and comical! This along with the fabulous house plans, recipes, and gardening tips will have me sitting on pins and needles until the next month's magazine come out or at least until my BHG comes!

I have no idea how I got this one, but I am so glad that I did. I remember reading my grandmother's when I was younger. Talk about positive inspirations! Now I read it as I dry my hair to help me have a more positive mind before battling loving on some middle schoolers.

What are some of your favorite magazines?


  1. I love Better Homes & Gardens and Southern Living too! They are my favs! Surprisingly, I have a new appreciation for Country Living magazine; some of the decor ideas are a little TOO country for me, but overall it's great.

    I liked your idea about a "book party." You know I'm still not very blog savvy though! I have lots to learn.

    Happy Friday!!!!!!!!

  2. p.s. Your blog header is so cute!

  3. I get Real Simple, Taste of Homes and Redbook. However, I am considering getting Country Living, too. We won't talk about all the "manly" magazines Terry gets! lol

  4. HAVEN!! Rick Bragg is awesome. A Pulitzer Prize winner...what more would one expect?! I worked for The University of Alabama Press for two years during my time in Tuscaloosa as the Advertising Manager in the Marketing Department and he came and did a book signing and I had the opportunity to meet him and hear him speak. My eyes and ears were locked on him. I could have listened to him for 8 hours straight. I loved him. He has a new work coming out in April...published by UA Press as well....,5031.aspx

    Another one was called Somebody Told Me,1065.aspx

    He came to campus and spoke to us about his
    "All Over but the Shoutin" peice. I checked it out and read. So good....

    How cool that you know about him!! I miss being able to meet so many authors and also the smell of fresh ink on those pages.


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