Monday, January 10, 2011

White Out Day

Last night, I would get out of bed periodically and look out the window. Around 10:30, I looked out and the ground was covered! I was so ready to go play when Ken told me to go back to bed! So I dreamed all last night that it did not do anything, and I had to go to school.

However, at 5:30 in the am, I was very excited to see all of the WHITE this morning confirming that we were definitely OUT of school!

Tootsie loves, loves, loves the snow and did donuts in the yard for a good 10 minutes. I took a few pictures, actually I went a little camera happy, so I will try to share the most important.

8.5 inches!!!

Outfit: 3 layers of clothes, camo coveralls, leopard print hat and

polka dotted boots! So styling!

Landscape lights disguised as snow cones

We have our own igloo ...

Oh the smells that one chocolate lab can smell in the snow

I love how the snow looks so cozy in the shelter of these leaves

Tootsie's donuts in the yard!

Smelling chipmunks in the wood pile!

Creek behind our house

Snow angels

Enjoying the ride and the snow in her hair!

"I put my hand up on my hip" natural-found-in-the-yard decorated snow man

Word to the wise, when making snow cream don't eat the yellow snow!

We had a lot of fun playing in the snow, eating snow cream (minus the yellow tint), eating chili, riding four wheelers, and just taking in the scenery!

Tomorrow, out of school again, and who knows what might happen!

1 comment:

  1. Love the snow pictures!!! And Tootsie does love the snow... mine - not so much. No snow for us in the country but a beautiful ice coating on everything. Everything was sparkling!


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