Friday, October 29, 2010


So here is my attempt at a partial tutorial on making a very cute jute wreath with felt flowers. I have seen these everywhere and just wanted to try it! Wreaths seem to be a very big thing right now.

First, gather your supplies (you will thank yourself later).

1.You will need a round wreath, whatever size you want. I got my at the dollar tree!
2. Jute
3. Felt
4. Scissors
5. Hot glue gun

Cover your wreath with jute

Gather your felt in whatever colors you want. I have orange, yellow, and gray.

Cut your felt in a circle. It does not have to be perfect!

Begin on one side of your circle and cut around the circle pattern.

This is what it will look like once you have cut around the whole thing

Take the small end and begin to roll the flower back toward the bigger end. Once you are at the end, hot glue your bigger part to the bottom. Just play until you like it. I twisted as I rolled, just rolled, and rolled and half twisted. You may also want to wear garden gloves when you hot glue (a hint from a teacher friend of mine). I would have gotten a picture, but it was hard to do when you are using both hands! Next time, I will Ken to do it for me!

Here is the end result:

Have a great Halloween Weekend. If you happen to see a chocolate lab covered banana, its just Tootsie!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I might have to give this a try. My office could use a lil sumthin sumthin!


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