Friday, October 15, 2010

Subway Art

Subway Art seems to be all the rage right now. I have seen so many Autumn and Halloween artwork, so I decided to make my own that I could keep up year round. I made one that describes our family. I used Sure Cuts A Lot to make words and cut them out using my Cricut. I got most to fit on the canvas, however, I left off back road riding. We love taking some back roads. I needed to re cut it in a different font, but by the time I got everything on here, it did not fit. So, Ken asked if I can make him a personal one with "back road riding" with a mud truck splashing in mud. Oh, boys and their toys. Anyhoo, the words are not very straight. I tried being like my friend Lea Ann and use my ruler. Who am I kidding, I have no patience for that! If you were to visit me, you would notice that everything is not straight. That is how I roll! I love the way it turned out. I also like my other canvas with the tree branch. The circle piece was around our former fan in the living room.

Have a great day!

I am linking up with:

The DIY Show Off


  1. I have admired the subway art I have seen and thought about making something myself. You have encouraged me with this great piece you made.

    Sweet place you have here :)

    Kindly, ldh

  2. That is really cute. But would probably take a long time without the cricut huh? Maybe I could hand write them? Hmm....
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Have a fabulous day.

  3. Cough cough....another wedding gift...cough! Ok so you are not allowed to buy a store bought wedding gift! I only wanted creative Haven made gifts! Haha!

  4. Love your subway art! That is at the top of my list of things I want to do! My list is neverending!!!


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