Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall Break Highlights and Picture Frames

Fall Break was a little dramatic for me. I thought at one time that I was ready to go back to work, but that feeling quickly changed. I did manage to complete most of my list to do except my sewing. My sewing machine it out and ready. I just need to knock the dust off and then get over my fear and just do it already. But, I will think about that tomorrow. I have a few things that I will share with you all this week. My reward for cleaning out closets and the house was crafting, and crafting I did. I just got so tickled with myself. I could really get into trouble if I stayed home too long.

Here are some pictures frames that I made:

It is amazing what you can do with burlap. It is so versatile! I just added pressed leaves and a give thanks tag.

With this one, I used some craft bond to glue some burlap on the outside of the frame. Hot glued some ribbon and a bow and printed out "Blessed." I put it in our guest bathroom.

As far as dramatic goes, I went to the doctor about some stomach issues. I do not like to waste my time, however that seems to happen when you go to the doctor and have to wait forever. Next time, I am bringing my hot glue gun and tell them that I am packing heat! Every thing is fine with me, but Tootsie is a different story. We were on our normal walk and a Great Dane attacked her. Good heavens, I know I looked like a mad woman in the middle of the street. Luckily a man named Ladarius stopped and was able to grab Tootsie and put her in the back of the truck. Ken came and we took her to the vet. She is doing great, has a few puncture wounds, and acts like nothing happened. Luckily, Halloween is coming up, and she is going as Frankenstein's dog!

I hope you have a wonderful week!


  1. HAVEN!! You have done it again!!! Were you this crafty in school? Why didn't we have dorm parties for this kind of stuff?! Maybe because some of you were very busy crafting other things like a wash board band. haha. I love this...LOVE THIS...Ok so, did you make the words with your cricut thingy? I may have to try my hand at this. Ideas of Christmas are floating around in my mind as well. HOW SAD?! Last night, I sat on the sofa and asked my husband where we could put the Christmas tree this year. We have some extra furniture than we did before. Who knows. We may even be moving. I guess I shouldn't be thinking of Christmas yet. haha

  2. Oh and I so sorry for you little four legged baby. Hope she has a speedy recovery and that the owner of that dog has a talking to or as we say it "a coming to Jesus meeting". Have a good week!!

  3. I am so sorry that Tootsie got hurt!! Poor baby! I love all the crafts you have been doing. I hav felt the need to create recently! I have been having fun doing stuff for Reed's party but I don't have a whole lot of time for it. I miss our crafting days at the W! Also I love the steele gray and yellow in the living room! So pretty!

  4. OH NO!!! Poor Tootsie!! Hope she has a speedy recovery. Be sure to give lots of extra love to her! Rebel (Terry's neighbors dog) got attacked three weeks ago and is just starting to feel better. BTW - the pictures turned out great this weekend. And little Marleigh was in a few of the pictures. =) Will post them later this week!


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