Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mama's Moldings

My mama is a sweet southern lady with lots of clothes, accessories, purses, and SHOES!!! My father is a southern gentleman who recently made a modular unit for my mother’s closet. I am the daughter whom he tells that I have too much time on my hands to blog or stalk other people’s blogs. Stalking came in handy this time. I saw this idea here, and shared it with my mother. She thought this would add some color and purpose to her new closet. Here is what she did in pictures:

Fabulous! She wanted me to share all of this with you. I love that she is so creative. I can see where I get some things from.

I am linking up with:



  1. Cute idea!!! And like they say - like mother like daughter!

  2. how fun! what a great way to showcase your shoes...some of the ones i have are surely showcase worthy, altho they don't have heels to hang from!


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