Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend Highlights

1. Seeing my baby sister, Alana, receive her LPN nursing pin.We are so proud of her!
2.Watching Ken rock out to songs. It provides great entertainment on our long trips from Alabama to Mississippi.
3. Helping my middle sister move to her new place. Having to refrain from wanting to stay up all night to decorate.
4. Going out to the farm to dump some old stuff in the middle of the night, and waiting for the Bogey Monster to jump out of the ditch.
5. Shopping for furniture. We especially enjoy testing out the fluffiness of things.
6. Picking Zinnias from my mama's garden.
7. Going to a family reunion where Betty Love popped out of the truck wearing a shirt that said "Oh no! I am becoming my mother!" Knowing that this will be eventually my fate.
8. Sweating in the Mississippi heat.
9. Visiting with Ken's aunt while he did some electrical work. Ken's mother and her sisters are so creative!
10. Laughing with family and friends.
11. Eating my daddy's breakfast. Its  as good as his steaks.
12. Going for a midnight pizza run. It was so good, and my thighs thought so too.
13. Not wanting to prepare for the week due to starting school. Although, I am a little excited about picking out my clothes for the morning!

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