Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Plan a Menu

I love planning menus! I plan one every month. At first it took me a long time, but now it takes me maybe 45 minutes to an hour. In this time, I select my menu and plan my grocery list for the whole month. I plan for a month, becaues I just don’t like going to the grocery store that often. You can plan for a week. Just plan for whatever fits you best.

First, I pick a few easy recipes that are really good or old time favorites. Then, I find a few recipes that I want to try. I want to try at least something I have never had or cooked before. I either type it up or write it down. Next, I make a grocery list. I then shop my pantry, marking off the things I already have. Easy, breezy! Sometimes, I sketch a weekly plan, and write it on a small menu in the kitchen. This helps me to know what I can plan for that day or prep for the next night. I also keep my monthly menu and recipes on the refrigerator just in case my husband wants to come in an cook! It keeps me organized!

There you have it! Any questions?

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