I was inspired by my good friend Brooke to create this post. It would be even better if we could help each other with our projects! Sometimes, I do wish I could hop a plane and be in Mississippi pronto. I miss my creative friends. Thanks goodness for email and blogs. Maybe, I just need to get some consultation as to one to do. Any way, I will stop rambling and just write the list. Here is goes:
Living Room:
- Paint
- Create pillows for couch
- Make slipcover for ottoman (I know my mama is probably laughing, because this project would make me dust off my sewing machine, cry, and then call her to come and help!)
- Make covers for cushions on hope chest (again see #3 explanation)
- Incorporate some soft colors and texture
- Play with my china cabinet arranging my dishes
- Decide what I want to do to the cabinets - paint, no paint, de-gloss, help me decide!
- Paint the walls
- Finish hanging things on things on the wall
- Make window boxes
- Make a birthday calendar so that I can be better at remembering birthdays
- Organize, Organize, Organize, and take to Goodwill
- Exercise - Walking and Wii Fit Plus
- Try to stay motivated and not listen to the couch's beckoning
- Start planning for my classroom!
Where'd you find your new layout?